Books published in 2022

Three books by Father Caffarel were published in 2022 :

- La prière, rencontre avec Dieu, Editions Parole et Silence, août 2022     

Communiqué de presse de l'éditeur

- Präsent sein für Gott Hundert Briefe über das Gebet, 12 septembre 2022,  Frank Höfer (sous la direction de), Hans Urs Von Balthasar (traduction)

- El matrimonio, aventura de santidad, Editions PPC, 22 septembre 2022 


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Father Caffarel’s cause of canonisation has just reached a new stage

In Paris, on June 23, 2022, on the feast-day of Saint John the Baptist, in the presence of the Roman postulator, Father Paleri, the writing of the cause of Father Caffarel was completed. Marie-Christine Genillon and Father Paul-Dominique Marcovits finished up a long text of 790 pages – the Positio – presenting Father Caffarel’s life, thinking, virtues and reputation for holiness. 

The next day, on June 24, 2022, on the feast-day, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Father Paleri, back in Rome, deposited the Positio at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. It is therefore in the beautiful light of the Precursor and in that of the love of the Lord for all, that this stage has been completed.

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Talks about the life and work of Father Caffarel

The Caffarel Team of SR Spain offers 3 talks on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of Father Caffarel : 

- The life and work of Father Caffarel, by Jose Antonio Marcén & Amaya Echandi,

-- The founding charism of the Teams of Our Lady, by father Juan José Hernández, chaplain of the Caffarel Team.

-- Father Caffarel and Prayer, by Álvaro Gómez-Ferrer & Mercedes Lozano.

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The Association’s Correspondents’ Report of Activities in Brazil 2022

Here is a summary of the main activities carried out in the Brazil Super-Region during the year 2022, which aimed to promote and disseminate the Father Henri Caffarel’s thinking and the promotion of his cause of canonisation.

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The Association’s Correspondents’ Report of Activities in Spain 2022

Here is a summary of the main activities carried out in the Brazil Super-Region during the year 2022, which aimed to promote and disseminate the Father Henri Caffarel’s thinking and the promotion of his cause of canonisation.

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Novena for the 25th anniversary of Father Henri Caffarel's death

September 18, 2021 will be the 25th anniversary of the death of Father Henri Caffarel. Edgardo and Clarita Bernal, Responsible Couple for the International Leading Team, and members of the International Leading Team asked the Association of the Friends of Father Caffarel to prepare an audio-visual novena of prayer, to celebrate this anniversary and honour the memory of Father Henri Caffarel.

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Beloved members of Teams of Our Lady, couples, Spiritual Counsellors and Guides,
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged humanity into a great crisis and our Movement must, according to Father Caffarel’s directives, offer prayers and sacrifices to Our Lord so that it can be overcome.
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L’échange épistolaire entre le Père Caffarel et une laïque : une vie mystique au sein du mariage

À l'occasion du 25ème anniversaire de la mort du Père Caffarel et du 50ème de la mort de Camille C., les éditions du Carmel publient la correspondance du Père Caffarel avec Camille C., livre auquel Henri Caffarel était très attaché.



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Jean Allemand +

Father Paul-Dominique Marcovits’ Testimony

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