Henri Caffarel, Prophet for our times, an aposte of marriage and a master of prayer

Les Amis du Père Caffarel made a video presentation of  Father Caffarel :

Click on the link : Henri Caffarel, Prophet for our times, an aposte of marriage and a master of prayer

If you wish to promote the work and the thought of Father Caffarel, you can request this video from the Association : association-amis@henri-caffarel.org    

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L’amour conjugal, chemin vers Dieu, selon la pensée du père Henri Caffarel

Les Amis du Père Caffarel publient aux éditions du Cerf "L’amour conjugal, chemin vers Dieu, selon la pensée du Père Henri Caffarel"


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News from SR ESPAÑA

SR ESPAÑA :  diaporama presentando las iniciativas tomadas para difundir y hacer conocer la personalidad y el pensamiento del Padre Caffarel.

HACIENDO CLICK : https://youtu.be/Grb8BCBQCfg


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Testimonies of bishops present at the meeting of Fatima

Following the gathering of Fatima, Les Amis du Père Caffarel asked a testimony to three bishops present in Fatima /

Dom Jacinto Fach, bishop of Criciuma (Brasil)


Dom José Manuel Garcia Cordeiro, bishop of Bragança-Miranda (Portugal)

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News from Brasil

Nous sommes, depuis août de 2018, le couple responsable pour la cause de canonisation du Père Henri Caffarel au Brésil et aussi le couple correspondant de l´association Les Amis du Père Caffarel. Nous sommes Afra et Hubertus (Beto), nous avons 46 ans de mariage et 30 ans d’équipe, nous avons deux filles et cinq petits-fils et nous habitons à Brasília.

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Slideshow on Father Henri Caffarel

In the context of the International Gathering at Fatima, the Association produced a slideshow presenting the life and work of Father Henri Caffarel

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News from United States of America
First of all, a little history about why Sharla and I, Rob fell in love with Fr. Caffarel. We entered Teams of Our Lady in 1997 and shortly after began to get bits and pieces about the life of the Founder of the Movement. It never seemed like enough material at one time, but just bits and pieces. It seemed reasonable to us that if we were to follow this Movement, we needed to make a concerted effort to learn about the Founder. One would not become a Jesuit or a Franciscan without knowing about the founder. So our search began.
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The morning of Wednesday July 18th, 2018, was dedicated to Father Caffarel at the International Gathering of Teams of Our Lady at Fatima and you can find all the speeches by clicking on this link :http://www.endfatima2018.pt/en/documents/

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